- November 12, 2021
- 1:34 pm
At Tectonic, we are committed to helping humans gather. Changing the world is our mission, and live events are our way of making it happen. By designing events that catalyze our human experience–inspiring connection, education, and empowered action–Tectonic intends to activate modern culture to promote sustainable values and other meaningful causes.
Fundamentally, we believe it is true: When humans come together, remarkable things can occur. With numerous examples throughout history that elaborate this claim, and psychological reasoning to boot, many points suggest that what humans need in order to make true progress, is each other.
Looking far back in time, we can find tangible evidence of how humans coming together changed the world. In fact, anthropologists have realized that ideas, tools, and other artifacts are not invented or changed in isolation, but are the product of specific settings. For instance, when early humans shifted from nomadic to sedentary lifestyles, language, agriculture, and social dynamics developed in complexity as humans came together. These primordial gatherings, most often held around a fire with music and dancing, were how our ancestors shared ideas, developed oral traditions, and formed familial bonds. It is scientifically recognized that technological advancements were made not by acting alone, but only as a social, communal group. This tendency for humans to gather has been present throughout ancient history and has fundamentally carved our evolutionary path.
Spanning forward about 12,000 years, we can look to the hippies of the 60’s and 70’s for another well known example of how humans gathering lead to change. Philosophically, hippie thought drew upon the earlier Beat generation, and rallied a counterculture that had novel implications on society. Hippies spearheaded the ecology movement. They combated racism. They encouraged equal rights, individual pride, free thought, and liberated sexual stereotypes. They questioned societal materialism, and developed their own distinctive lifestyle. In four years, their antiwar movement turned into an unstoppable force, with gatherings and protests influencing the end of American occupation in Vietnam. When considering the weird and wonderful hippie movement, the power of humans uniting under a common cause to rally change is evident.
Historical anecdotes aside, it is important to note–When it comes to joining together to make our world a better place, one of the most important things we can do is to find out what we have in common. The psychological concepts of perceived similarity and actual similarity expand on this: Humans are more inclined to form connections with those whom they have characteristics in common. Therefore, when we share something with the people around us, no matter how small or insignificant it seems, it can help us make connections we never realized were possible. Sharing emotions, such as wonderment, joy, and empathy, bring us closer and more able to work together. This core understanding is the basic principle that explains why live events have such an activating effect on human connection…By simply attending the event, all attendees have at least one thing in common.
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